" The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas A Edison.

-Based on scientific fact that our nervous system controls the function of every cell tissue, organ and system of your body.
-Many everyday activities can cause these spinal bones to lose their normal position or motion.
-This can result in nervous system dysfunction and ultimately, ill health.
An Accomplished Professional
Today's Doctor of Chiropractic is well educated. After completing the same undergraduate study that other types of doctors get, chiropractic doctors receive still another four years of postgraduate education. Before practicing, they pass a rigorous National Board Examination and meet stringent licensing requirements. To keep up with the latest research, doctors attend seminars, scientific symposia, and read professional journals.
Diagnostic Imaging
Based on your examination findings, x-rays or other types of diagnostic imaging may be necessary.
These images can help reveal pathologies, document the history of your spinal health, and guide your doctor in creating a care program based on your unique spinal condition. Today's high tech equipment and ultra sensitive films help minimize your exposure.
A Closer Look
After taking a complete case history to review important aspects of your health, a thorough examination will be conducted. You'll be asked to turn and bend, your posture will be checked, your reflexes and muscle strength will be tested, and other orthopedic and neurological tests may be performed. These tests are designed to show any areas of your spine that may be causing problems.
A Teamwork Approach
When you consult this office your are entering into a unique partnership. Your current health is the result of your habits, your thoughts, your actions, and all the circumstances of your life. Little can be done about the past, but we're here to help with the future.
Learn as much as you can about the nature of true health and follow your Chiropractor's recommendation.
If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.