Kidney problems are a growing phenomenon. In the last ten years, kidney diseases have increased by 16 percent. Data shows that one in three Americans is at risk of having kidney disease. Records show that up to two million people in the U.S. may have chronic kidney disease, some being undiagnosed. Chronic kidney disease develops gradually and may not have apparent symptoms until your kidney function is impaired significantly. Because of this, 80 to 90 percent of all cases of chronic kidney disease may likely go unrecognized. One in three people have increased risk of being afflicted with this disease in the future.
Kidney disease encompasses any condition involving your kidneys that causes reduced kidney function or damage to the kidney. The kidneys’ function is to filter wastes from your blood and excrete them in your urine. They are able to do this by sensing imbalances within your blood and controlling what should be retained and what should not. When kidney disease it at its advanced stage, fluids, electrolytes, and wastes in your body can reach dangerous levels. Kidney infection is a common kidney condition. It is a type of urinary tract infection that develops in your bladder and ends up in your kidney after travelling up the urinary tract. Many people deal with recurring kidney infections for a long time in their lives. They usually try to treat them using antibiotics and prescription medications, but are unsuccessful in finding long-term relief.
Lifestyle Recommendations
• Avoid all herbal remedies unless recommended or approved by physician. • Avoid all over the counter medications unless recommended by physician. • Limit alcohol consumption; use only if approved by physician. • Exercise every other day, focusing on those that increase the heart rate such as walking, rebounding, swimming and biking; manage weight and blood sugar. • Do not smoke. • Keep blood pressure in check; monitor urinary protein, blood chemistry panel, and other lab markers.
Dietary Tips and Caveats
• Follow a low protein diet; focus on lean proteins such a fish, chicken or turkey. • Eat organic fruits and vegetables as desired unless restricted. • Avoid soda and phosphorus containing beverages. • Avoid fried foods and processed foods; consume whole, organic foods when possible. • Avoid foods that area high in potassium and phosphorus. • Consume higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon and mackerel; avoid excess omega-6 fatty acids, such as nuts, seeds, and processed foods. There is evidence this can help with proteinuria.
Chiropractic Care and Kidney Disease
The primary focus of all chiropractic care is the health of the central nervous system. Chiropractors are educated and trained in the diagnosis and treatment of problems or abnormalities with the nerves in the human body. When your nervous system is strong and healthy, all the systems of your body are functioning properly. A subluxation can significantly impair or cause damage to the nerves that are linked to and that control your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Dr. Clark is able to accurately identify and correct subluxations, which can restore your nerves’ health and the normal functions of these organs. A healthy nervous system also boosts the effectiveness of the immune system of your body. An optimized immune system helps fight and prevent infections.